660k Live Work Fund launched

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In a week where The Genesis Foundation announced a new £1 million fund to support freelancers, a collection of trusts and foundations have launched the Live Work Fund: a £660k pot to support individuals across music and the performing arts.

Courtesy of Jerwood Arts, Wolfson Foundation, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and The Linbury Trust, the fund will offer financial and career support to a selection of the most outstanding and visionary music creators, performance makers and producers to enable them to adapt and thrive through the challenges presented by Covid-19.

Open to individuals and those with a collaborative practice based in the UK, the £660k Live Work Fund will provide awards of £20k for at least 33 outstanding artists, creatives and producers with no more than ten years’ experience over a period of 12 months. Around half of the awards will go to music creators.

This fund will enable the awardees to make powerful contributions to their artistic communities as they navigate this intense period of change and transition. The emergency funding that is being provided by a number of funders is absolutely vital, but we believe that transformative opportunities for artists in the early phases of their careers are also needed. We are hoping to support a generation of visionary ideas that can mark a new beginning for live work in the UK.

Lilli Geissendorfer - Director, Jerwood Arts

More information, and how to apply, can be found here.

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