London's first concert hall to welcome audiences opens tonight

Today is a big day for live music in London.

The West End’s Wigmore Hall will be the first London concert hall to open its doors to audiences for a full season since venues were forced to close back in March.

We were over the moon when Wigmore Hall announced a full season last month, just as we launched through the noise. At the time though, Artistic Director John Gilhooly wasn’t able to be sure they’d involve live audiences:

“Concerts will go ahead with or without an audience and the schedule is subject to change given the uncertainty of travel and the possibility of local and international lockdowns and quarantine problems”

Well, good news - all 100+ of those concerts will be commencing as of tonight, and all will have both a live audience in attendance and be streamed via the Wigmore Hall website for free.

Wigmore Hall Artistic Director John Gilhooly

Wigmore Hall Artistic Director John Gilhooly

We don’t highlight all of London’s concert hall-based classical music at through the noise - we usually focus on the best events which might slip under the radar - but this season is rammed full of amazing artists performing great music.

This month alone brings performances from Tai Murray, the music of American pioneer Julius Eastman, Jess Gillam & MILOS, the Albion Quartet, and Kaleidoscope Chamber Collective.

You can find out more about how to get your hands on tickets and further info on the entire season on Wigmore Hall’s website here.

We also recommend this fantastic interview from our friends over at The Arts Desk with Artistic Director John Gilhooly on the importance of an inclusive and diverse Wigmore Hall.


Live in London: this week's classical music events


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