Mile End museum hosts international soloists for three-day festival

The Ragged School Museum, once the largest free school in London, will host the a music festival from 2-4 October 2020.

Nicolas Baldeyrou (clarinet), Alina Ibragimova (violin), Andrei Ioniță (cello) and Elisabeth Leonskaja (piano) will play three concerts with renowned pianists Pavel Kolesnikov and Samson Tsoy.

It’s extremely rare for internationally-renowned performers to appear in this kind of setting. All credit to Erica Davies - the museum’s director and one of the festival’s founders - for putting together this great festival for the second year running.

Unlike other similar festivals, all of the artists will perform in all of the concerts. They will take place on the amazing ‘light-filled and unrenovated’ top floor of the museum, overlooking the canal.

through the noise visited the first Ragged Music Festival last year, so we know just how extraordinary this place is. Hearing Samson Tsoy, Pavel Kolesnikov and the Albion Quartet up close was one of our 2019 musical highlights.

Photo by helenoftheways

Photo by helenoftheways

Pavel and Samson seem to be looking forward to this year’s festival too:

 “after the success of the first Ragged Music Festival we didn’t have to think twice about doing the next one. We couldn’t wait to gather again at the wonderful quirky Ragged School Museum to play the music we loved with the musicians we loved and admired.”

Find out more about the festival and how to book tickets here.


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