The last live performances pre-lockdown

As we approach lockdown number two, there are still a number of concerts you can attend Monday - Wednesday to get your fix for the next four weeks. Here are our highlights…

Monday 2 November, 1.10pm

Enjoy this solo piano recital in the stunning St James’s Church, Piccadilly - perfect for a Monday lunch break.

Monday 2 November, 1.30pm

City of London Sinfonia present Comfortable Classical: classical music in a relaxed, lunchtime performance at the Albany, Deptford.

Wednesday 4 November, 1pm

Accompanied by Jong Sun Woo, Gogolicynova performs an exciting programme including both Brahms & Beethoven’s first violin sonatas.

Wednesday 4 November, 1.10pm

Jubilee String Quartet play Haydn and Mendelssohn in St James’s Church’s final lunchtime concert before lockdown.

Wednesday 4 November, 2pm & 7.30pm

City of London Sinfonia perform Haydn & Ligeti in their usual ‘seriously informal’ style at Southwark Cathedral.

Wednesday 4 November, 6pm

Mathilde Milwidsky plays Szymanowski & Elgar at the ROSL’s stunning home on Park Place (celebratory glass of prosecco included).

If you’re planning post-lockdown already, head over to our things to go to page for event ideas December onwards.


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