Charity offers musicians financial support

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Since March, Help Musicians has supported over 18,000 musicians with over £11m in financial hardship funding across the UK.

They have just opened up applications to the third phase of their Financial Hardship Funding, offering financial support to musicians until March 2021.

Phase 3 is targeted at self-employed musicians who do not qualify for the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme and unemployed professional musicians who are unable to make ends meet in the face of further lockdowns and ongoing restrictions.

For those who are eligible, to the extent that funds allow, the charity will offer grant payments from the time their application is successful to March 2021 to top-up Universal Credit payments where relevant.

Where an applicant does not qualify for Universal Credit but is still experiencing significant financial hardship, an assessment will be made based on individual circumstances.

For further information on making an application, head here.


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