What's on this week: classical music in London
Two weeks on since our last noisenight at The Jago, Dalston, and we’ve got another - this time in The Jago’s sister venue Well Seasoned, Peckham.
Jess Gillam has put together an all-star ensemble of the UK's leading musicians, and we’re honoured that they'll be opening their UK tour at noisenight eight on Saturday.
Their set will feature music from their chart-topping new album TIME by Bjork, Thom Yorke, Luke Howard, James Blake, Astor Piazzola, Kurt Weill, and more.
Find out more below…
Saturday 14 May, 7pm + 9pm
New nightclub Well Seasoned, inside Peckham Levels, hosts the start of The Jess Gillam Ensemble’s UK tour
Saturday 14 May, 10pm
The Royal Academy of Music’s afrobeat teacher, Afla Sackey, performs with his 10-piece band Afrik Bawantu
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nkoda is a service that provides musicians with digital tools and resources to help them to achieve their goals - no matter what they are.
Because nkoda believes that musicians are made, not born, it supports and celebrates those who are willing to challenge themselves by creating products that enhance both learning and practice. From sheet music on subscription to academic studies, scientific research and funding.