shunya + dudù kouate + seb rochford

1 october 2024 / 8pm / bodies in space, brussels

100% funded (46 tickets remaining)

Multi-instrumentalist Shunya is joined by iconic jazz drummer Seb Rochford and Senegalese percussionist Dudù Kouate for a unique improvised show

7pm: doors open

7.30pm: last entry

8pm: shunya + dudu + seb set

what are noisenights?

noisenights are our vision for the future of classical music: crowdfunded gigs taking world-leading musicians to iconic independent venues.

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At the centre of every noisenight is a one-hour classical set. We platform international soloists and ensembles while also giving opportunities to outstanding new artists. All noisenights take place in gig venues where you get to experience classical music up close.

Live music needs your backing more than ever. Backing a noisenight means getting tickets to hear the world's best performers in grassroots venues and being part of a community working for a positive future for live music. Putting it simply, you giving your backing will make this gig happen and secure you a ticket.

After a noisenight reaches its funding target, we'll e-mail all backers to confirm it and a small amount of extra tickets will be made available. Tickets are released in four stages, which increase in price the closer to the event they're purchased. Book early to get the best price.

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the venue:

Based on Chau. de Zellik 65 in Sint-Agatha-Berchem, Bodies in Space is a brand-new warehouse gallery / gig venue in Brussels.

Bodies is Space has been created by the team behind Mercerie, the legendary multi-disciplinary art space in an abandoned haberdashery and hosiery factory. This will be the new venue's first ever live show.

the music:

Shunya (aka Alan Keary), Seb Rochford, and Dudù Kouate are all unique solo artists in their own right. When Shunya isn’t playing around the world with genre-defying cellist / singer Abel Seloacoe, he’s crafting his own sound using distorted violins and drum machines. When Seb Rochford isn’t collaborating with Brian Eno you’ll find him on stage doing experimental solo drum sets. When Dudù Kouate isn’t shredding with legendary free jazz group Art Ensemble Of Chicago he’s likely at home inventing new instruments that sound like alien birds.

This show will encompass all three musicians’ individuality - glueing it together via improvisation and on the spot re-imaginings of each artists’ pre-existing songs. Expect unhinged electronics, free jazz, meditative soundworlds, contemporary classical compositions, and West African grooves.


Based in Manchester, Alan Keary is a multi-instrumentalist and producer, with a strong musical heritage, writing and producing music from the age of fourteen.

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Performing under the alias Shunya, his sound is a contortion of influences, stemming from his background in classical violin and jazz bass, and growing with the sounds of Manchester's electronic music scene.

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back noisenight156: shunya + dudu + seb

Rewards: standing tickets to noisenight156 at 8pm on Tuesday 1 October 2024 at Bodies in Space, Brussels. First-come, first-served for the best views.

Please note that all tickets to this event are standing by default. If you have specific access requirements get in touch.

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Can't attend any of our upcoming noisenights but still want to support live music and be part of our crowdfunding community?

Your donation means that we can continue to attract the UK's best musicians to our noisenights series and push the boundaries of live classical music. It also means that we can keep our events guide independently curated and expand our mindmusic programme which promotes mental health and wellbeing in our local communities.

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© through the noise. through the noise is a community interest company registered in England and Wales no. 13173621.
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